haunting « PARANOLA

It seems the world of the paranormal has become more of a social event than a scientific or sincere investigation. We are doing our damn-est to bring you what we have recorded, documented and witnessed first hand over the past few months. Do we turn things around in a short period of time, no. The simple answer is this, “we want to make sure we follow as best we can to the scientific method and our real-time experiences.”

These experiences can be complicated, not only that they can be emotionally and physically traumatic. We are doing out best to bring you well produced versions of what we experienced so you can have as accurate of a portrayal of what the investigators went through as well as any of those who were with us. That takes some time, particular with necessary personnel changes and being respectful to those who had traumatic experiences during the investigations.

Within the next week or two you will see clips from what we are working on now. Three NEW investigations done, while we continue to press for more to investigate. It is important that everyone recognizes that those who participate in these cases are not only doing scientific, paranormal, and scientific work but are experiencing REAL physical and emotional trauma at times.

Not every investigation, but it happens and has happened within the course of our last few investigations. All of our participants sign waivers to give the Krewe a chance to use whatever we film, but we are a family. Unless our family is comfortable sharing our experiences from the investigation, we will not move forward until/unless they do.

Thank you for your patience with us, your support, and your encouragement.