Holt Cemetery: Investigation from April 2012

I am working on a short video and the audio from an SB7 Spirit Box session. The video and the session are both compelling, and it will be posted soon via twitter and here on the website as well.

Holt is basically a potter’s field, a place for bodies claimed and buried for little to no money. This cemetery has bodies from the 1700s in it right up to gang bangers from a few years ago. These are in the ground type of burials, not the traditional New Orleans above ground crypts. This is for the less fortunate, those who could only afford a place to dig a hole and sink an inexpensive coffin. Bones, personal possessions, and voodoo paraphernalia are actively present in the cemetery.

The video will show what it can since we lost the batteries in all the video cams while more or less beginning the investigation. It will also include a link to point you to the audio from the SB7 (aka Spirit Box) session done after the cameras died, in the most strongly active portion of the cemetery as we all felt at the time.

Keep an eye out here, on our Facebook site (http://facebook.com/paranola) and on Twittter (@paranola).

