Investigation Techniques « PARANOLA

We are asked often why we haven’t formally investigated some of the more infamous cemeteries in the New Orleans area. It is really as simple as you would think.

One concept includes city-owned properties not wanting to bother with the possible negative press from the families of those interred in their cemeteries (no matter what kind of horrendous conditions they far too often are allowed to end up in.) There is also the myriad of bureaucratic offices and officials that would rather deny than approve of such an investigation.

Then you have those who are owned by the Catholic Church. Let us look at some basic Church doctrine on “ghosts” and the “spirit”. While there are some (we know from first hand conversations) in the Archdiocese of New Orleans who have a more open view on such investigations, the problem is that the majority are most interested protecting the dogma over possible new insights.

There are the few that are out there who are unattended, that belong to non-Catholic churches, and various other ones. These all can lead to issues including those mentioned, issues with local residents watching people waltzing around a abandoned cemetery, and of course local law enforcement who may or may not be cooperative even if contacted before time.

Another consideration is one you must take seriously is this. If there are random spirits, ones that are inactive should we as living beings, investigators, go into their final resting place and disturb them?