Investigation Update « PARANOLA

So we are working our way through the audio and video shot at the one time Fat City staple called “The Ship’s Wheel.”

This was a very unique experience for us and done differently than we normally do things. This has to do with the activity we experienced, the client participation, and that there were just two of our group at the shoot. @PARANOLAJoe and @PARANOLASarah were the only team members available after having had a different investigation the night before. So it was those two @PARANOLA Krewe members and three of the key people from the Ship’s Wheel.

The former burlesque/strip bar had been a family run business for decades and the last night before the new owners took the keys was the night we investigated. There had been reports of many strange occurrences, ranging from dark figures, to knocking noises, glasses at the bar moving or falling, to a presence that they believe was linked to a local man who was down on his luck that the Ship’s Wheel had taken in as family that had died a few years ago.

What we ended up with was a very strong reaction from a  that appeared to be directly answering questions when asked by one of the Wheel’s family. We ended up with evidence that seems to imply that even in death the link between a father and daughter continues on.

The whole webisode will be posted soon and you will be able to see exactly what we mean. For now you can see the two “Ship’s Wheel” teases that we have posted on our Vimeo Channel.

The specific Ship’s Wheel teases are located here:

Tease #1:

Tease #2:

In the good ole days (not too far gone) the ‘mob’ had a piece of the suburb of New Orleans called Metairie, Louisiana. This chunk of real estate was called “Fat City” and it was loaded with bars, strip clubs, burlesque shows, and a variety of the things most normal people find to be a necessity in society.

At some point, after Hurricane Katrina, certain interests decided that not only New Orleans but even the couple of blocks known as Fat City needed to become as safe and ‘family-friendly’ as Walt’s World/Land. If you have a soul, you know that the world needs and desires something more adult than a teen in a mouse costume (although that could be a dark thing in and of itself.)

In an effort to eliminate the adult activities that took place in Fat City a certain person in Parish government began a one woman war against this very popular area. Mob influence was mostly gone from there, and it was a place even respected people would go for a good time without needing to go into #NOLA. In fact those people included this official’s father (a senior law enforcement officer) who was a frequent visitor to many of the great restaurants and other places, which might very well be why this official pushed to stamp this place out of existence. An ordnance was passed barring ‘live entertainment’ after an unreasonable time… since the area was mainly surrounded by commercial entities.

The last of the burlesque clubs, in fact, any adult-related places was “The Ship’s Wheel.”

Two nights before it closed we were seemingly able to ask the proprietor his feelings about it, even though he had passed away years earlier.

@paranolasarah and @paranolajoe were both there along with some of those from the “Ship’s Wheel” to experience what can only be described as the most unusual and striking REM-Pod activity we have known to occur. We have it documented and it is on deck to enter our site soon at

You can find the video on our Vimeo TV channel:

Or here is a direct link to the video:

It seems the world of the paranormal has become more of a social event than a scientific or sincere investigation. We are doing our damn-est to bring you what we have recorded, documented and witnessed first hand over the past few months. Do we turn things around in a short period of time, no. The simple answer is this, “we want to make sure we follow as best we can to the scientific method and our real-time experiences.”

These experiences can be complicated, not only that they can be emotionally and physically traumatic. We are doing out best to bring you well produced versions of what we experienced so you can have as accurate of a portrayal of what the investigators went through as well as any of those who were with us. That takes some time, particular with necessary personnel changes and being respectful to those who had traumatic experiences during the investigations.

Within the next week or two you will see clips from what we are working on now. Three NEW investigations done, while we continue to press for more to investigate. It is important that everyone recognizes that those who participate in these cases are not only doing scientific, paranormal, and scientific work but are experiencing REAL physical and emotional trauma at times.

Not every investigation, but it happens and has happened within the course of our last few investigations. All of our participants sign waivers to give the Krewe a chance to use whatever we film, but we are a family. Unless our family is comfortable sharing our experiences from the investigation, we will not move forward until/unless they do.

Thank you for your patience with us, your support, and your encouragement.


We had a chance to investigate two very unique locations and ended up with two very different results.

As we have made it clear before, we go into a location and if something or some things happen that we cannot explain we do our best to document them. However, we also go in without any expectations of having anything happen at all, and if we are unable to experience anything we make it clear that we did not on that particular night experience anything. As for the two investigations we did in roughly 3 days earlier in May we ended up with very easily documented and what we considered to be uncommon occurrences.

One very dramatic incident was what we are referring to a as an oppression. From the time we arrived at this particular location one of our team was experiencing being touched on her leg repeatedly over the course of a few hours. She ultimately ended up being more or less put into some sort of trance (for lack of a better word) and the video very clearly shows the progression of this happening.

With the second investigation, we experienced activity with a REM Pod that seemed to indicate a direct response to dozens of questions. These questions were being asked by someone who worked at the location and what indicated to us as being her father who had passed nearly 10 years earlier. It was very emotional as she would ask for specific responses, ask about specific events, and the REM would respond accordingly. Needless to say there were many tears and it was a much more positive feeling we all left with than the first of the two investigations.

We wanted to bring you up to date and let you know these are being worked on, the hours of video is being edited, audio is being analyzed, and it will be posted as soon as we feel we have them right.

Thank you to those who allowed us to investigate and participate.


Our January investigation was the Southport Music Hall located at the parish line between Jefferson and Orleans just off of River Road. This location has a very interesting past. Things ranging from the original building burning down in the early 1900’s, mafia ties involving Carlos Marcello, and many other unique traits. You will learn all about them when we release the show in the next few weeks.

I wanted to share an experience I had today while talking with a representative of a former owner of the property. We were discussing the logistics of setting up an interview to talk about their time in the building on the phone. We both were using mobile phones. I was located in a parking lot where I was idling in a parking spot, while he was in his home.

This is what I saw.

After chatting briefly about the property and what would be the best course of action and time frame to get the interview taken care of, we began discussing some of the EVPs that we had found and what other people over time had claimed to experience over the years. As we began to discuss the power of repetitive ceremonies and their seeming ability to lend power to an environment even if not being done to conjure such things, I realized my phone had gone to a black screen with the gray ‘Apple’ logo (an iPhone5) and that our call was cut off. My immediate thought was that my battery must have been low and it was shutting off. In all of about a second I was back at the dialing pad. My phone hadn’t shut down, I didn’t need to unlock it, it just blinked, disconnected him and put me back where I was.

I tried calling him back and got his voice mail, I tried a few times over the next 5-10 minutes and repeatedly had received his voice-mail. In time he called me back and said his phone and apologized saying his phone had died. Our phones blinked out at the same time, while discussing the investigation and setting up a time to talk to gather more information.

I can say I have never had anything like that happen before, not once. Just wanted to share that oddity. You never know with electronics, but that was some very curious timing.

I am working on a short video and the audio from an SB7 Spirit Box session. The video and the session are both compelling, and it will be posted soon via twitter and here on the website as well.

Holt is basically a potter’s field, a place for bodies claimed and buried for little to no money. This cemetery has bodies from the 1700s in it right up to gang bangers from a few years ago. These are in the ground type of burials, not the traditional New Orleans above ground crypts. This is for the less fortunate, those who could only afford a place to dig a hole and sink an inexpensive coffin. Bones, personal possessions, and voodoo paraphernalia are actively present in the cemetery.

The video will show what it can since we lost the batteries in all the video cams while more or less beginning the investigation. It will also include a link to point you to the audio from the SB7 (aka Spirit Box) session done after the cameras died, in the most strongly active portion of the cemetery as we all felt at the time.

Keep an eye out here, on our Facebook site ( and on Twittter (@paranola).

We are still digging through the digital recordings we made during the investigation. In addition we are listening through what we heard in the spirit box session. We have had some members under the weather, but we are trying our best to get through everything.