Spirits « PARANOLA

I will be honest, I had a hundred ideas about what it could be. I didn’t freak out, not really how I respond to things but I did have my mind start racing. I immediately went to see if I could find ANYTHING that would make sense. Nothing. This is inside, in a room, not outside where it could have been a crazed squirrel.

I felt a bit of what I call ‘my feeling’ that tends to fire when something odd is happening. It isn’t an all over feeling, if you have watched any of our @PARANOLA videos you have probably heard me mention it. I feel a tingling down one arm just as I opened the door and walked into the room. To be honest I had a feeling of energy all through my body, but with this specific arm thing in addition.

I mentioned it to someone else in the house, no one had been in there. I sat back down in my chair to continue working on what I was writing. Within about an hour I heard a bit of a scared yell and glass breaking, nearly simultaneously. A shot glass (which I put my vitamins in) was on my night stand and I was told it moved from one side of a table and flew off shattering on impact.

At this point I am actively thinking, this seems peculiar. I trusted the person who had told me about the shot glass as if I would have seen it myself. However, always trying to be skeptical I didn’t really. I tend to not even trust my own eyes when it comes to such things.

It wasn’t long until the final two shoes dropped. Two rooms, directly next to each other had odd events and then they both did, loudly again.

(last on this, part 3 will be posted shortly.)