Tricksters? Yes, I believe so. (Pt. 1)

I am quite sure that there are spirits, even having a very skeptical and scientific approach to paranormal investigation. Yes, it seems a bit of an oxymoron but I believe the more time you spend investigating the paranormal the more certain things become self evident.

Today I had one of those days. One where my negativity and the stress I have been under might have contributed to there being an opening for something unwanted to enter. No, this isn’t just about having the house open due to my AC being on the blink and allowing a mosquito or two inside. I honestly have seen how negative energy can be like a magnet to more negativity, people, and possibly other things.

The concept of ‘tricksters’ are fun fodder for short stories and even tv shows. However looking into such things you find there are variations on the intent (conscious or intrinsic) that they have. What I bumped into today, I believe was one of the lesser ones. Not malevolent but with enough energy to manipulate objects, possibly emotions, and even perception.

It began with a simple enough thing, I was not paying much attention to what I was doing as I was checking email. I realized I had popped up an application that allowed me to view my security cameras. It was a full screen HD one that came on by default. I looked at it, thought ‘why did I open this?’ and then saw what appeared to be something resembling a clown doll pop out from underneath something, shake back and forth violently about 3 times and then disappear back under what it had emerged from.

… to be continued.



Tags: @paranola, @paranolajoe, Halloween, paranormal, Spirits, tricksters