Trials and Tribulations… of Ghost Hunting Teams

It is one of those things that everyone in any volunteer group face, how do you keep people together? Harder still how do you keep everyone motivated?

In the paranormal investigation world it is as difficult as sorting through hours of video. You have to find the right combination of personalities, coordinating free time, dealing with everyone’s personal lives, and that is before even getting access to a place to investigate. Then it gets even more complicated.

The key is to make sure that everyone meshes well and have similar expectations, motivations, and enthusiasm. It can take time and as most groups that have been around for more than a few months know, not everyone always works out. It doesn’t mean they are not good people, it just means one of those necessary components is not the right fit.

So just keep at it, don’t give up, and if it is truly a passion let that passion continue to move you and your team forward.




Tags: paranormal, team building

Investigation Techniques « PARANOLA

We are asked often why we haven’t formally investigated some of the more infamous cemeteries in the New Orleans area. It is really as simple as you would think.

One concept includes city-owned properties not wanting to bother with the possible negative press from the families of those interred in their cemeteries (no matter what kind of horrendous conditions they far too often are allowed to end up in.) There is also the myriad of bureaucratic offices and officials that would rather deny than approve of such an investigation.

Then you have those who are owned by the Catholic Church. Let us look at some basic Church doctrine on “ghosts” and the “spirit”. While there are some (we know from first hand conversations) in the Archdiocese of New Orleans who have a more open view on such investigations, the problem is that the majority are most interested protecting the dogma over possible new insights.

There are the few that are out there who are unattended, that belong to non-Catholic churches, and various other ones. These all can lead to issues including those mentioned, issues with local residents watching people waltzing around a abandoned cemetery, and of course local law enforcement who may or may not be cooperative even if contacted before time.

Another consideration is one you must take seriously is this. If there are random spirits, ones that are inactive should we as living beings, investigators, go into their final resting place and disturb them?

Site Updates

We have taken some time to add some new things to our site.

– Links to all official social media accounts
– A submission link for investigation suggestions

Additionally we have started to add to our “Contributors” area of the site. This will be where Krewe members will share our experiences and hopefully some useful information about our various areas of expertise.

The first person to kick off this new component is our Resident Medium, Chris. She will be discussing topics related to psychic phenomena including her personal experiences and topics found throughout social media.

The contributors areas will also be relying on your input for topics, questions, and feedback!



team building « PARANOLA

It is one of those things that everyone in any volunteer group face, how do you keep people together? Harder still how do you keep everyone motivated?

In the paranormal investigation world it is as difficult as sorting through hours of video. You have to find the right combination of personalities, coordinating free time, dealing with everyone’s personal lives, and that is before even getting access to a place to investigate. Then it gets even more complicated.

The key is to make sure that everyone meshes well and have similar expectations, motivations, and enthusiasm. It can take time and as most groups that have been around for more than a few months know, not everyone always works out. It doesn’t mean they are not good people, it just means one of those necessary components is not the right fit.

So just keep at it, don’t give up, and if it is truly a passion let that passion continue to move you and your team forward.


Opinion « PARANOLA

The long anticipated drop off of interest in the paranormal seems to have set in at last. The same catalyst for the explosion of interest has led to its demise, television. As with anything involved in the media, when something gets ratings and the following of crucial target demographics it will be duplicated.

Ultimately it is copied so many times that the quality of the content becomes un-viewable. Think of it like a photo of a photo of a photo of a photo. So with the success of shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures, we have become so over-saturated that the supernatural has become supernormal.

The general public was enamored with ghost hunting shows for a longer time than most initially predicted. The reasons are obvious for why they garnered so much interest.

What Made this Boom?

– It is something nearly everyone believes they may have experienced in their life.

You would be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t thought they felt something peculiar at some point in their life. Whether it was a premonition about bad news or getting a scent of something in the air that made you feel like a lost relative had stopped by to say hello. When so many of us have had these unexplained experiences it becomes a communal event to watch others encounter similar events.

– There is easy access for amateurs to investigate.

With no more than an inexpensive audio recorder or even a cell phone, anyone can emulate their favorite spirit talker. KII meters and the like are mostly inexpensive and they give you a way to connect with those who you watch on TV every week (many times a day.) Take the inexpensive gear,  find a dark corner of an old house and bingo. You are just like the boys. (yes, that could be a Supernatural reference)

– Marketing: Hair, Muscles, Brains Optional.

Paranormal Pioneers Ed and Lorraine Warrant, Stanford Friedman, Loyd Auerbrach

With the proliferation of shows geared towards millennials (and older folks who crush on the muscular baby faced hosts) the ‘geek’ element was diminished. It became cool to talk about electronic gadgets and admit you believe in a spiritual realm. The early shows out there broke down walls. They took the paranormal beyond look from the realm of the pioneers like Loyd Auerbach, Ed and Lorraine Warren, and Stanford Friedman to well, you know. You should check out the Paranormal Pioneers page on The National Paranormal Society website.

Remember when it was acceptable for teenagers to walk around with pacifiers in their mouths? Pet rocks? Trolls (not the Internet kind.) As a culture we are pushed to doing what the beautiful people do because we think it will make us more beautiful. (By the way I love those four totally and I always had a crush on Lorraine.)

– Watching other people get scared is generally entertaining.ga_blacekedout-3174739

You either get creeped out or you find it funny to see people scurrying around in the dark in fear. We are a society who demands to be entertained in all aspects of our life.

No matter how serious the situation or the subject, we want it to be entertaining or we lose interest. Does it lead to manufactured or inflated scenarios, yes. No one expects people to watch things for the sheer purpose of being informed or C-SPAN would smash the ratings of The Bachelor.

Proliferation and disintegration.

As with anything good in this world, too much leads to bad things. It began innocently enough with a focus on evidence. Then the evidence being secondary (at best) to the personalities. Hey, its Hollywood people. At this point in the devolution, it has gone from the personality driven to purely gimmick-driven shows.

There are so many lists out there of the paranormal TV world I will spare you mine but here is a Wikipedia link that should clarify. That is a lot. Most recently on my radar is the new show by the Destination America people called “Ghost Brothers.” Can we agree the shark was jumped long, long ago?

Grim Reapers or Just the Horsemen of the Apocolypse?

Am I saying that I see the extinction of paranormal investigation? Of course not. The shows need to thin out and they have been. Do the over the top shows hurt the already thin credibility of legitimately conducted paranormal investigations? Yes. But I see this trend as a good thing. We are seeing the harbingers of our destruction but sometimes the world needs a kick in the teeth to refocus on what is important.

Alas what we have come to learn is that if you are in this for fame and fortune, you cannot be true to the work. We have put a great deal of time, effort, and yes money into our investigations. We did that to look for information, for the truth.

It isn’t a profession for us. We have had our fair share (or more) of road blocks and trials. But PARANOLA lives on and while we are a scattered out across the country we have not given up on our goal. As we find credible leads and with your help finding them we will continue to investigate.

Thank you so much to all our supporters, and we hope to hear from you soon and often!

Some of the PARANOLA Krewe from the early years.

@chipcoffey « PARANOLA

The event was held at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel on Orleans St. in NoLa. The talk was divided into four parts. The first part consisted of Chip Coffey talking about his life and family from childhood on to present day and how his childhood relates to his new book, Growing Up Psychic. The second part involved Chip talking about work he has done including Paranormal State and Psychic Kids and included some brief clips from episodes such as the infamous “I am six.”

In the third section Chip randomly picked people to ask him questions either as a medium or a psychic. There were a lot of questions about loved ones who are now in spirit. After the third section the people who only bought basic admission tickets left. VIP and Super VIP then had their pictures taken with Chip and everyone received an autographed copy of Growing Up Psychic.

The fourth section was a brief investigation of the hotel’s ballroom in which we were permitted to record and use the KII and the Mel meters. Chip utilized the mini mag-light technique.. if you have never tried this technique it is worth a shot. Interesting that Chip picked up on children spirits while no one in our group had the slightest intuition of any children being around. One of my favorite parts of the evening was when Chip raffled off his scarf.

Sadly, I did not win but I did donate $20 to NoH8 and animal rescue organizations. (^_^)

Overall a very interesting night. We did manage to get our name out there so I would not be surprised if our next investigation stems from this night in some fashion.

chip coffey « PARANOLA

The event was held at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel on Orleans St. in NoLa. The talk was divided into four parts. The first part consisted of Chip Coffey talking about his life and family from childhood on to present day and how his childhood relates to his new book, Growing Up Psychic. The second part involved Chip talking about work he has done including Paranormal State and Psychic Kids and included some brief clips from episodes such as the infamous “I am six.”

In the third section Chip randomly picked people to ask him questions either as a medium or a psychic. There were a lot of questions about loved ones who are now in spirit. After the third section the people who only bought basic admission tickets left. VIP and Super VIP then had their pictures taken with Chip and everyone received an autographed copy of Growing Up Psychic.

The fourth section was a brief investigation of the hotel’s ballroom in which we were permitted to record and use the KII and the Mel meters. Chip utilized the mini mag-light technique.. if you have never tried this technique it is worth a shot. Interesting that Chip picked up on children spirits while no one in our group had the slightest intuition of any children being around. One of my favorite parts of the evening was when Chip raffled off his scarf.

Sadly, I did not win but I did donate $20 to NoH8 and animal rescue organizations. (^_^)

Overall a very interesting night. We did manage to get our name out there so I would not be surprised if our next investigation stems from this night in some fashion.

Holt Cemetery: Investigation from April 2012

I am working on a short video and the audio from an SB7 Spirit Box session. The video and the session are both compelling, and it will be posted soon via twitter and here on the website as well.

Holt is basically a potter’s field, a place for bodies claimed and buried for little to no money. This cemetery has bodies from the 1700s in it right up to gang bangers from a few years ago. These are in the ground type of burials, not the traditional New Orleans above ground crypts. This is for the less fortunate, those who could only afford a place to dig a hole and sink an inexpensive coffin. Bones, personal possessions, and voodoo paraphernalia are actively present in the cemetery.

The video will show what it can since we lost the batteries in all the video cams while more or less beginning the investigation. It will also include a link to point you to the audio from the SB7 (aka Spirit Box) session done after the cameras died, in the most strongly active portion of the cemetery as we all felt at the time.

Keep an eye out here, on our Facebook site ( and on Twittter (@paranola).



Coffey Talk « PARANOLA

The event was held at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel on Orleans St. in NoLa. The talk was divided into four parts. The first part consisted of Chip Coffey talking about his life and family from childhood on to present day and how his childhood relates to his new book, Growing Up Psychic. The second part involved Chip talking about work he has done including Paranormal State and Psychic Kids and included some brief clips from episodes such as the infamous “I am six.”

In the third section Chip randomly picked people to ask him questions either as a medium or a psychic. There were a lot of questions about loved ones who are now in spirit. After the third section the people who only bought basic admission tickets left. VIP and Super VIP then had their pictures taken with Chip and everyone received an autographed copy of Growing Up Psychic.

The fourth section was a brief investigation of the hotel’s ballroom in which we were permitted to record and use the KII and the Mel meters. Chip utilized the mini mag-light technique.. if you have never tried this technique it is worth a shot. Interesting that Chip picked up on children spirits while no one in our group had the slightest intuition of any children being around. One of my favorite parts of the evening was when Chip raffled off his scarf.

Sadly, I did not win but I did donate $20 to NoH8 and animal rescue organizations. (^_^)

Overall a very interesting night. We did manage to get our name out there so I would not be surprised if our next investigation stems from this night in some fashion.